Tuesday, 17 May 2016

The Great Office Sandwich

Sometimes you find yourself stuck at work and the temptation is there to go and buy some fast food from a nearby store when lunch comes around. Never fear, below is a simple recipe to have a delicious sandwich!

First, you'll need some ingredients.

Start with some bread:

external image White-Bread.jpg

Then, you'll need a good base ingredient, such as ham or salmon, to spread across the bread.

After this, it's a good idea to add a vegetable to the sandwich like sliced tomato or mushroom.

Next you'll want some cheese, sliced is the most convenient, and lay that on top.

Once everything is together, add some salt and pepper for seasoning, and then you can eat or toast as desired.

Voila! A tasty office sandwich that is easy to prepare and delicious to eat!

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